Estanislao was a Yokuts speaking Lacquisamne tribe member living at Mission San Jose. At the mission he worked as a cowhand and a tamer of mules and was eventually appointed one of the alcaldes over his people. Estanislao was an intelligent, talented man and he didn’t approve of the way he and his people were treated. Stories of other revolutionaries inspired him to take action. In 1828 Estanislao escaped Mission San Jose and fled toward the mountains. Estanislao wrote to the mission Father and told him that he and his people would not return to the mission and would fight if soldiers were sent to capture them. When the Spanish arrived the resistance led by Estanislao and his allies defeated Spanish military groups who were sent to recapture him twice. The Spanish would not give up. They were determined to bring back all the baptized Indians and punish the resistance leaders as well as any group or person who harbored the escaped Indians. The Spanish requested the Mexican governments help to end this resistance. The Mexican government sent over 150 men led by Mariano G. Vallejo. This time they brought more powerful weapons including one cannon.